From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6]
28 Apr 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#5] 28 Apr 2006
As others have pointed out, removing gold dye from a plastic figure requires only a quick "dip."
Soaking the figure in acetone is a recipe for taffy. :-)
From: Doberdog (EOH) [#7]
28 Apr 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6] 28 Apr 2006
I tried the acetone and it appears that the timing is critical - too short and it leaves a gold tint, too long and some areas strip to the base (black). Haven't got to the taffy level yet. I'll keep expermenting, maybe with a stop watch, to determine the critical timing. Thanks everyone for your input.
From: Myyk [#8]
28 Apr 2006
To: Doberdog (EOH) [#7] 29 Apr 2006
I have used Meths (like Rodney) Denatured Alchohol to you Americans, I think.
From: UncleSteve [#9]
28 Apr 2006
To: Myyk [#8] 28 Apr 2006
Yes, denatured alcohol is MUCH better than "meths"..... Here in America the "meths" usually come in the "crystal" variety....
From: Myyk [#10]
28 Apr 2006
To: UncleSteve [#9] 29 Apr 2006
Depends what you want to use it for, I guess. "Meths" is short for what we call Methylated Spirits
From: UncleSteve [#11]
29 Apr 2006
To: Myyk [#10] 29 Apr 2006
On this side of the pond:
crystal meth
(crystal methamphetamine, tina, crystal meths, krank, tweak, ice)
Crystal meth is an intensive stimulant with disinhibitory qualities
Guess it loses (or gains?) something in the translation....
From: Frazee1 [#12]
30 Apr 2006
To: Doberdog (EOH) [#1] Unread
Be careful on which figures you dip. The PDU made in China will not strip. The PDU made here in the USA will strip with acetone. I buy it from beauty supply stores by the gallon. I reuse the same gallon until it has so much dye accumulated that it doesn't work as well. The only other brand I tried was Freeman from Southeastern. They told me to use denatured alcohol which looked great at first so I did a very large batch. After they dried, they turned off color so bad I had to throw them in the garbage! Lesson learned!
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