From: sprinter [#6]
7 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#3] 7 May 2006
Thank you David.
It was not started to compete or as a US vs THEM venue, just an alternate highway. Everyone is being professional and not bad mouthing or slinging mud on the new forum, several members plan on joining your new subscrition forum and our alternate forum. So it looks like it may turn out to be a win-win for everyone.
The name was not really ment to copy yours, I ran out of name options that was available that had engraving in it that made any sense. I'm sure you went through the same thing when you registered engravingetc and had to use .org because was already being taken.
Your forum is already in our links section.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#7]
8 May 2006
To: sawdr73 [#4] 8 May 2006
I think you've been following this forum long enough to know that I have an acute sense of humor. I wasn't kidding, when I say I was amused.
With that said, since has no official standing with myself or; especially during a time of transition, I don't like to see anything resembling my "handle" or the name of this site.
I have no control, over what people do, of their own free will. I'm just letting my feelings be known. Continue to use that handle, with my blessing.
My decision to offer the Delphi Forum, (which is in place to serve as our backup, which, thankfully, we haven't needed) as a "sanctioned" EEF was done as a genuine expression of my desire to offer an alternative to those opposed to the pay format.
Knowing I would be away from the forum for a day or two; visiting with family and friends, on the occasion of my daughter's 16th birthday, I hastily created that post, to alay the concerns of our members.
Delphi, compared to Beehive is limited, with respect to its number of folders.
If there is a demand for a sanctioned EEF, (which, by the way, I wouldn't call it) it will be a Beehive forum, of which I'll be involved with the choosing of its lead moderator and assistants.
If such a forum is formed, I would make the subscription forum (411/911) my top priority, but would participate on the cost-free side as time allowed.
As it stands, as much as I commend the mutation forum's efforts, I won't be a participant there.
I see it as a case of "Sprinter Jumping The Gun."
EDITED: 27 May 2006 by DGL
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8]
8 May 2006
To: sprinter [#6] 8 May 2006
As you suggested, the .com extension wasn't available, for Engraving Etc., but I must say, if I were initiating a new engraving-related forum, with full knowledge of another, with a very similar name, I certainly would have come up with a name that would in no way be construed as a deceptive attempt to build a membership, on the popularity of the original.
I think that's going to work against you.
I have some questions, one of which was asked previously:
1) What's your actual name?
2) Who is your administrator, by name? Ours is John C. Fish.
3) What's your background in the Awards and Engraving Industry?
4) How many articles have you had published in industry trade magazines?
5) How many times have you been a presenter at live seminars or workshops?
If you can't truthfully answer those questions, we're not even up to the starting line, in my officially recognizing your forum, or in actively participating.
By the way, I should let you know that I've deleted two messages from this forum, which were mean-spirited towards yours.
EDITED: 8 May 2006 by DGL
From: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#9]
8 May 2006
To: sprinter [#6] 8 May 2006
Sprinter says:
"The name was not really ment to copy yours"
Get real!!!
I have no problem with the startup of a new forum (I have already registered). However, I am dissappointed in your statement above. If it is true, then I feel sorry for you - you have almost no vision. If it is not true (highly probable), then you should admit it.
I often disagree with David and his approach to things. In this instance, I have to commend him on his attitude.
You should change the name of your new forum now while you have the opportunity before it gets populated. I suggest that you take a little time and come up with an unrelated name. Dispite your statement to the contary, it is not that difficult to do. Believe me, the name you have chosen will cause you much more harm than good in the long run.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10]
8 May 2006
To: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#9] 8 May 2006
It's more fun, when you don't agree with me, but I appreciate your comments, either way.
Thank you,
EDITED: 8 May 2006 by DGL
From: sprinter [#11]
8 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8] 8 May 2006
I have sent you a PM with the answers.
8 May 2006
To: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#9] 8 May 2006
Hi Pete,
As I stated in a different post this morning.....The merits of this forum going pay should have nothing to do with a name or competing similar name....It will either pass or fail on it's execution, just as the free site will.
I understand why you feel that it's bad form to use a similar name, but in the end it's the end product that will get people to join either forum. David feels that his forum will be worthy of pay once his ideas come to fruition. I concur with his feelings, either he will have a product worth paying for or he won't.....IMO, The twist on the name will not affect his goal one way or another. People will either pony up for his ideas, or they won't.
From: sprinter [#13]
8 May 2006
To: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#9] 8 May 2006
Actually I'm looking at different names, I want the new forum to stand on it's own. The name was not that well thought out, I put everything together in less than 12 hours after it was apparent the new direction of was set in stone.
From: Pete (AWARDMASTERS) [#14]
8 May 2006
To: sprinter [#13] 8 May 2006
I am glad to hear that.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#15]
8 May 2006
To: sprinter [#11] 8 May 2006
I haven't received the PM.
I asked the questions in public and I'd appreciate a public response.
As for myself, I'm an open book. I've revealed much about my private life on this forum and there is virtually no question I'm not open to answering in public.
I'm trying to help you build credibilty and the questions I posed, would be part of the interview process I would conduct, in choosing a suitable moderator for a "sanctioned" cost-free component of, which is an idea I'm entirely open to.
EDITED: 8 May 2006 by DGL
From: sprinter [#16]
8 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#15] 8 May 2006
Your choice.
The idea of being a moderator for a "sanctioned" cost-free component of is the furthest thing from my mind.
I want the new forum to be totally independent and grow on it's own.
But thank you for the input.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#17]
8 May 2006
To: sprinter [#16] 8 May 2006
I take it you have no intention of answering my questions.
The furthest thing from my mind, is placing a moderator, in said-proposed-positon, who won't answer those questions.
Best of luck and I mean that.
EDITED: 8 May 2006 by DGL
From: JayBeeOz [#18]
8 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#17] 8 May 2006
I wish you the very best of luck with the forum. I have gained some useful info, and I hope I have been able to help some others.
I won't be paying for a couple of reasons. The first is, at $99US, the exchange rate makes it around $130AU. I think as soon as it goes pay.. the 'Family' feel will go to :-(
The reason why this forum is so successful is because people could congregate and share information freely without $$ getting in the way.
having said that I fully respect your decision to take the forum in any direction you feel is right for you, you are the owner after all.
Sprinter has offered a free alternative for members that do not want to or cannot pay for this one, and I am sure he will have alot of valuable input, but I don't feel that his credentials will have any huge bearing on the success of the 'other' forum as I believe it will be the many contributors to the forum from the vast and diverse experience of the members that choose to join that will govern its success or failure.
Thankyou David, and everyone for your kindness and help. I'm sure that I'll see a few of you lurking next door.
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#19]
8 May 2006
To: JayBeeOz [#18] 8 May 2006
He needs no credentials to operate his forum.
The point was that to be a sanctioned, (subsidiary), of EE, David need to know something about the person who would be running it.
I would never give someone a piece of my business without knowing something about them.
If he wants to stay as a totally separate forum, all is well.
From: Chewbarka [#20]
8 May 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 8 May 2006
Can I take out a banner add like the EJ does? I have no problem with a monthly fee.
From: sprinter [#21]
8 May 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#19] 8 May 2006
Trust me, I do have the credentials as a former manufactures rep and trainer for several major brands and have conducted well over 100 training sessions and seminars over the years as well as a shop owner for more years than David. But it's not about me, it's about the members and the flow of free informtion.
The name of the new forum has been changed and will be available as soon as the DNS pointers are updated. The new name is and should be ready by tomorrow.
We want the new forum to have it's own identity and grow on it's own merit.
We have also included a link to on the site.
From: UncleSteve [#22]
8 May 2006
To: sprinter [#21] 8 May 2006
That change DOES add quite a bit of credibility to your new forum... I also wish you the best with your venture. :D
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#23]
8 May 2006
To: Chewbarka [#20] 8 May 2006
I've decided to have a cost-free public forum, as well as the paid side.
I've contacted someone who I feel would make an excellent moderator and I'm awaiting his reply. If the person declines my nomination, we'll put the decision, of who should be the moderator, in the hands of our members.
Due to your special offer to our group, you're already in for a banner ad, which will be shown in rotation with the A&E/NBM and EJ ads.
I hope that fact will put everyone's mind at ease.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#24]
8 May 2006
To: sprinter [#21] 8 May 2006
As soon as the name change is made, I'll be more than happy to add your forum to our "Links of Interest."
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#25]
9 May 2006
To: sprinter [#21] 9 May 2006
Is there a problem with the site? I tired to log on and it will not accept my name and passored today. 5/9/06 12:56PM Eastern.
Since I have not posted yet I doubt I have been banned for something. [I did not do it, I say I did not do it. I've been framed.]
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