From: UncleSteve [#5]
27 May 2006
To: Mick [#4] 27 May 2006
I would have also except for the statement that it didn't contain pvc... Many of the imitiation woods are polythene (polyethelyne is probably what they meant) and is made from recycled soda bottles....
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6]
27 May 2006
From the description, although the material I've seen, colorwise, is more a light yellow, than white, it sounds like a type of foam product, I've seen used to create signs, through the use of a 3-D routing system or possibly sandblasting.
Not sure what the material's called, or where to buy it.
Once painted, it would be very difficult to tell the difference between the foam product and wood.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#7]
27 May 2006
Might be HDU (high density urethane).
They say it comes in densities from 4 to 40 lb per cubic foot. It's aparently used in a lot of sandblasted dimensional signs.
27 May 2006
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#7] 27 May 2006
I think we may have a winner ;)
From: Puck (PUCKERBRUSH) [#9]
29 May 2006
To: Mr. Mike (MIKEA) [#1] 29 May 2006
You should be able to get that from
GEPolymers (unless they quit carrying it since they closed some of their places)
or maybe
Denco (I use Idaho but they are out of Denver)
or try a supplier on this list closer to you:
Also if you can't locate what it is called if you send me a small piece I'll take it to my three sign supply houses and see if they can tell me what it is (that is if I don't know what it is after I see it). It might be a really high density foam board from what your describing, use it a lot to make overhead hanging signs for a hospital. (I can email you a picture of it if you want to see what it looks like).
From: gravure (INFOGRAVE) [#10]
21 Jun 2006
To: Mr. Mike (MIKEA) [#1] Unread
I know this response is late and you may have your answer. I think it might be intecel. This material is commonly used in the sign industry. I use it on a regular basis in my one of my sign shops. It is available in 4'x8' sheets from ny local sign supply wholesaler.
From: ACJ (LADYCUTTER) [#11]
18 Apr 2007
To: Mr. Mike (MIKEA) [#1] Unread
Did you ever find an answer to your white board question from May of 06? It sounds perfect for a project I've been asked about.
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