From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#18]
8 Jun 2006
To: Jo (OAAE) [#17] 9 Jun 2006
There are no doubt, differences in pricing thresholds, between the bigger cities and smaller towns.
Even with that dynamic in place, when I hear people say their market won't bear a certain price, I'm willing to bet, they haven't tried to see what their market will bear.
Here's a story, of some friends of mine, who were new to the awards industry, about 15 years ago. Probably longer.
I'll call this couple Eric and Charlotte (E&C), because their names are Eric and Charlotte. :-)
E&C were doing everything right -- Clean storefront, with a nice display of products; either of high quality or high perceived value. They were also very professional in their demeanor.
Despite their fastideous operation of the business, there was a problem -- They weren't making enough money.
After considerable hand-wringing, over the thought of raising prices (in their minds, they knew that would be the death blow to their business) the couple decided to make a bold move.
Not only would they raise prices; they'd raise the prices to a point of high profitability. It would be a substantial jump!
Their mindset was, "We'll either go down in a heap, due to the price increases, and go back to 'day jobs', or we'll make the money we deserve."
Damn the torpedoes! There will be no mid-ground!
Since I've mentioned E&C have been in business for at least 15 years, you know which way their business went.
After the price increases, much to their surprise and delight, they saw an overall increase in their customer base and their volume of work.
"We should have done that much sooner!" they said.
You asked:
He wants 50 of them so I would like to find a way I could sell them at a reasonable price so he would be happy, we would be able to provide a specialized product then in the future he might bring us more business and I wouldn't feel bad about charging a little more. Does that make sense.
That does make sense, as long as the "reasonable" price gives you a reasonably good profit.
If that's the case, not only will your customer be happy, the most important people in your world will be happy as well.
Yourself, Todd and your kids.
From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#19]
31 Jan 2007
To: Jo (OAAE) [#13] 31 Jan 2007
When I get it finished I will post a picture.
Did you forget to post the picture or did you give up on the idea?
From: Joe (SMITTY61) [#20]
31 Jan 2007
To: Jo (OAAE) [#1] 31 Jan 2007
You can make the plaque with a wall mount slide-in holder that you can engrave 2x8 or 2x10 plastic plates that can be removed and replaced by just sliding the plates in or out of the holder.
From: Jo (OAAE) [#21]
31 Jan 2007
I didn't forget about posting a pic. I put something together, school ended and he never returned my many phone calls.
Worked out for the best. I guess.
Thanks for asking and getting me back to reading the board again.
Hope everyone is doing well.
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