From: John (ICTJOHN) [#6]
5 Jun 2006
To: joyce (JLADY) [#5] 5 Jun 2006
You don't wanna get me started on the Xenetech, cuz I won't stop, I'll be talking away and suddenly realize the person I'm talking to eyes are glazed over........ be sure to remind me you want the "Overview-Lite" version. At least this way I won't feel like I'm barging in and holding you up from production.
and...... YES, charge the customer a different price for each size - like for a single column, .50 or $1.00 per inch in difference. 2 and 3 column need to be priced higher as well.
From: joyce (JLADY) [#7]
5 Jun 2006
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#6] 5 Jun 2006
Definately xenetech lite, My eyes glaze over very easily!! :-)
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