From: Elm (MKLEIN) [#17]
24 Sep 2006
Well Carl, I'm going to pick you brain again on another feature of Corel which may or may not be available. I have a customer who needs some text engraved, but not in English, but Russian. I did find a online text translator which I can enter the English text and it will convert it over to Russian, after which time I then copy/paste to corel. Just thought maybe it was possible todo this in corel alone. This is the first time I have ever had anyone ask for this tobe done so its a new one one me..
From: bluepaw [#18]
24 Sep 2006
To: Elm (MKLEIN) [#1] 24 Sep 2006
Why not ask your customer to send you the copy without the line numbers?
From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#19]
25 Sep 2006
To: Elm (MKLEIN) [#17] 25 Sep 2006
Are you asking if the translation can be done in CorelDraw? Not that I know of and I really wouldn't recommend that you do it that way even it was possible. I would strongly suggest that you get the Russian text in the correct format, directly from your customer,. Language translation can be a very inexact 'science'.
From: logojohn [#20]
25 Sep 2006
To: Elm (MKLEIN) [#17] 25 Sep 2006
I have someone who uses Laotian fonts.
Most characters require key combinations.
They gave me several types of Laotion fonts.
He brings in a doc file with his wording.
I open it and then can copy and paste it into coreldraw or Xenetech for making the layout fit the product.
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