From: Swami [#1]
7 Sep 2006
Has anyone ever done trophies or awards for a bodybuilding show,
Instead of traditional trophies and cups, what are some other trophies or awards can be used, and please don't say resin types, whold day today i've been searching through the suppliers, "NADA".
EDITED: 7 Sep 2006 by DGL
From: basehorawards [#2]
7 Sep 2006
To: Swami [#1] 8 Sep 2006
Trays are nice and different. I did some for a customer and he said that it was the first time in a long time that everybody picked up the "trophies."
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#3]
7 Sep 2006
To: Swami [#1] 8 Sep 2006
West Art out of Pennsylvania has bodybuilding resins, I don't know if they will fit in the customer's budget, they retail for $38.00 up. There are over 24 body building and probably that many more in weightlifting - both male & female.
Their web site says it is being remodeled so there are no photos - - their phone number is 800-447-9430 - call them to get a catalog.
From: Swami [#4]
8 Sep 2006
I emailed westart, im hoping to get a reply soon,
What sort of trays, crystal or silver plated, and who's a great supplier for these trays
From: Colin (MATROPHY) [#5]
14 Sep 2006
To: Swami [#4] 18 Sep 2006
Niels Andersen makes some pretty awesome bodybuilding resins. Here's the website.