From: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#69]
9 Nov 2006
To: bobkat [#67] 9 Nov 2006
Your argument here reminds me of when I lived in an Ultra Conservative town in Washington where most of the people were growers of apples and cherries. The editorial pages and Letters to the Editor would be filled with the growers B*tch'n about all the lazy good for nothing bums on welfare.
Than when there was a crop failure the growers were crying in their soup wanting the Government to step in with $$$ for them and I would laugh like hell listening to them trying to explain that what they want is different from welfare.
I won't even get into the Government paying farmers not to grow crops.
From: GBengraver [#70]
9 Nov 2006
To: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#69] 9 Nov 2006
That is funny.
I'm a little suprised at how many Dems you Montanians have elected to the Senate thorughout the years.
I always thought that the western states tended to be conservitive.
Goes to show you what I know.
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#71]
9 Nov 2006
To: bobkat [#51] 9 Nov 2006
I am not smart enough to know how to solve the problems of the world and I am really glad it is not my job. It is my job to look at the philosophies of the candidates who are running for office and see if I agree or disagree. I have certain criteria that are important to me and if a candidate of any party shares those philosophies then it is my job to delve further into who they are and then make a decision as to who I will vote for. The government that we have recently had has not met my particular criteria.
From: bobkat [#72]
9 Nov 2006
To: GBengraver [#68] 10 Nov 2006
So, in your opinion, the reason health care costs are so high is because of people who have been injured and maimed by doctors ineptness???
Malpractice suits are not the only reason, but it is a big part of the problem. It is not just doctors who get sued; providers of anything from medical equipment to drugs to basic supplies are sued because people stand to make a lot of money. Unnecessary tests are done just to protect from lawsuits; that costs insurance companies money, and the costs are passed on to the consumer. People who are injured by medical mistakes should be compensated for their injuries, but huge awards for "pain and suffering" just cause people to sue thinking they will get this big payout and be set for life. The reality is, the lawyers make most of the money.
Yet doctors and insurers claim the reason they have to increase rates and prices is due in part to the raising cost of malpractice insurance. That is absurd.
It should make perfect sense to anyone in business for themselves. When your costs go up, you have to raise prices to your customers, either that, or you won't stay in business long.
How many doctors do you see driving 15 year old cars or living in low rent apartments because they cannot make a living due to the cost of malpractice insurance?
Health care costs are raising at more than 5 times the inflation rate.
Why? Not because of lawsuits.
I don't think a doctor should have to live in poverty after spending several years and hundreds of thousands of $ on education.
OK, so why? I have given you a plausible cause for at least part of the problem, as well as a possible solution. What have you got? You wouldn't be one of those "all blow and no show" democrats would you? If you are, you had better come up with a plan soon; just bitching about how things are is not going to be enough now that you have the power.
From: UncleSteve [#73]
9 Nov 2006
To: bobkat [#72] 9 Nov 2006
And you missed how many doctors are now in HMO's and other groups to take advantage of their insurance group.
We are losing all the wonderful individual practicioners that could give a patient the time to explain and comfort rather than just the present
"Nurse! Next!" we hear so often.
Message 5262.74 was deleted
From: gt350ed [#75]
11 Nov 2006
For whatever its's worth, here's my prediction:
Overall, not much will change. Same old ineptitude on the part of Congress. For the most part, the REAL players are still the same on both sides of the aisle. The Democrats now have a "majority" in name only. It's slim, just as the Republicans had before them. For a decade, this has been a do-nothing Congress way beyond what we would consider typical "do-nothing". The Republicans couldn't get anything done, and the Democrats will not be any different.
There is NOT unanimity(?) among the Democrats. Just as there was none among the Republicans. Moderate Dems will not agree with certain left-wing proposals, and may even side with moderate Republicans, God forbid.
In the end, nothing will get done; EXCEPT for Iraq. On that, there just may be concensus; to stop funding and "cut & run".
Life goes on. Get back to work. You've got lots of pork to pay for. B-)
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#76]
11 Nov 2006
To: gt350ed [#75] 11 Nov 2006
In the end, nothing will get done
I think something will get done. With two years until national elections, it's time to begin running for office again.
Heaven forbid, any substantial work take place, in the meantime.
I hope to be wrong with that prediction.EDITED: 11 Nov 2006 by DGL
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