From: Webquest [#1]
20 Nov 2006
I have X3 but am having trouble with text on a path. I'm able to make the text surround a circle, but unable to make the text be outside the circle on the bottom but be rightside up. It wants to make it upside down (not readable.
For some reason I thought there was a drop down which would let you choose to do this, but it doesn't appear in the properties toolbar when this text on a curve is selected.
Any CorelDRAW experts have any advice?
From: Shaddy [#2]
20 Nov 2006
To: Webquest [#1] 20 Nov 2006
Have you tried dragging it to the bottom (upside down now) then mirroring both ways? Then clicking and dragging until it's on the correct side of the circle.
From: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#3]
20 Nov 2006
To: Webquest [#1] 20 Nov 2006
Use the "distance from path" to set which side of the line it is on and the "horizontal offset" to place it where you want it on the circle. Then use the mirror horizontal and mirror vertical to get it oriented correctly.
From: Webquest [#4]
20 Nov 2006
Thanks to you both! I'm not sure why it wasn't "clicking" with me. I appreciate your responses and once I read them I was able to fix the problem in about 5 seconds.