From: geebeau [#18]
20 Dec 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#3] 20 Dec 2006
I have the IS400 also.. You mentioned changing the color of letters that didn't engrave and then just engraving those...
Didn't know anything about that... would you be able to further explain that point? Thanks much ...
Right now I just re-engrave the whole line if something misses...
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#19]
20 Dec 2006
To: geebeau [#18] 21 Dec 2006
On the left hand toolbar is an icon with three color squares right near the bottom of the bar. Click on that, it is the tool selection and setup pop-up.
First highlight the letters, then double click on the color to change it. You have to then select 'Properties' and set it up as another bit, making sure you set the depth and on the other tab set the motor and the bottom icon which is pause to change tools. Why it defaults to 0.000 depth and not to pause when you set up another tool is beyond me.
This is in Gravostyle98, not sure if it is there in the other Gravostyle versions.
From: geebeau [#20]
21 Dec 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#19] 23 Dec 2006
Thanks.. I'll have to try it next time I "fazool" a line.
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