From: basehorawards [#1]
29 Dec 2006
I just noticed that the option for boolean searches is gone. Any chance of getting it back? I am trying to find the thread on whitening lasered marble and can not drill it down enough as any search finds all threads with any of the words not just all the words.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2]
29 Dec 2006
To: basehorawards [#1] 29 Dec 2006
I hadn't noticed the lack of that search feature, until you mentioned it. Not sure why it was eliminated, by the Beehive developers, from the v.7 software upgrade.
I'll try to get an answer for you.
When you say "whitening lasered marble" are you referrring to color-filling or the Armor All trick?
From: basehorawards [#3]
29 Dec 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 29 Dec 2006
I was referring to the Printer's ink trick. I found the thread finally. They were talking about an ink that LaserSketch sells to whiten the image. I had mentioned that I found a local supply house for printer inks and bought from them. Mike from CEM suggested thinning it to make it go farther and to make it easier to apply.
Thanks for checking,
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#4]
29 Dec 2006
To: basehorawards [#3] 29 Dec 2006
I remember that thread, now that you mention it. :-$
I'll let you know what I find out about the Boolean search.
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5]
29 Dec 2006
To: basehorawards [#3] 30 Dec 2006
The older software had a boolean search feature, which did not work well. The upgrade has left only and 'or' search in it. It frustrates me also.
I am well aware that HTML search routines are difficult to write, but to drop it rather than fix it is strange to me. Maybe it was taking too long to fix and this is just temporary until they come out with a patch.
The code has to be out there somewhere, all of the search engines use it in one form or another. Maybe it is some special code for a special database structure they use, maybe not. I do not know.
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#6]
29 Dec 2006
To: basehorawards [#3] 30 Dec 2006
I use a white ink I purchased at Hobby Lobby. It is Dr. Ph. Martin brand white india ink.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#7]
29 Dec 2006
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#5] 29 Dec 2006
I think some programmers try to get too universal with their code, or try to make code from another program work within their own rather than sit down and think out how to do it from scratch. I'm not sure if that's what happened here or not, but I've seen it happen in projects involving a mix of programmers.
From: laserman (MIKEMAC) [#8]
30 Dec 2006
To: basehorawards [#3] 30 Dec 2006
James & all,
Here is another trick for whitening up lasered marble and granite.
Laser your image then apply baby powder wipe it into the engraving now we put wax onto it the wax we used is the toilet rings preferably the unused ones lightly rub the wax onto the surface and then apply another dusting of baby powder. Then buff until smooth. It comes out real nice and white.
From: basehorawards [#9]
30 Dec 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#6] 30 Dec 2006
I have been using an thinned opaque white printers ink. I had mixed up a pretty good batch but have finally run low enough to need to mix more. I forgot what to thin it with hence the search. If I ever go through the pound of ink they gave me (they decided it was just easier to give it than to sell a pound) I will try the india ink.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10]
12 Jan 2007
To: basehorawards [#1] 13 Jan 2007
Getting back to you with an answer to your question, straight from Matt (BH development).
The search has changed to always be performed in boolean mode (if supported by MySQL) so you simply have to use the + and - modifiers like +beehive -forum or "beehive forum", etc.
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#11]
12 Jan 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10] 12 Jan 2007
I tried that a while back and it did not work, but now it does.
The one bug left is that it will not give an error on a three letter item, but will not find it.
Each search word must have four or more letters.
+fire +extinguish does find the post with fire extinguisher. Apparently quoted is still lacking. E.G. +"fire extinguish"
From: basehorawards [#12]
13 Jan 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#10] 13 Jan 2007
Cool. I had tried the old .AND. with no success. This is a good thing. Thanks,
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13]
13 Jan 2007
To: basehorawards [#12] 14 Jan 2007
Matt's message came as good news to me as well.
I've tried some quoted searches, which worked very well.