From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#1]
23 Jan 2007
If you've read many of my posts in the last year or so, you have probably noticed my discontent with Xenetech. It's fairly clear to me now that I'm about the only XOT owner that feels this way....everyone else seems to love them. To each his own, right?
Knowing how much I've been battling with the software, the wonderful folks at Engraving Concepts made a special trip out to my neck o' the woods (over 100 miles from their office). Roy Brewer himself came to my shop last week to help me gain a more thorough understanding of how the XGW package "thinks". Thanks to Roy's expert help, I'm much more confident in my ability to make my Xenetech engraver do what I need done.
I want to take this opportunity to publicly and LOUDLY thank Jeanette (notice that she's named FIRST this time), Roy and Randy for helping me.
These folks have been very patient with me as I've battled a steeper-than-normal learning curve on the software. They are very dear to me, and I don't think I could consider buying equipment from anyone else. They have truly gone WAY above and beyond the call to give us the best service I can possibly imagine.
Those of you who know me will agree that I'm slow to compliment anyone just for doing their job. We expect people to do their jobs, as that's what they're paid to do. However, when a supplier is available for help even at night and on weekends, they've done much much more than just their job. When they make a special trip (as Roy did) to soothe a troubled / frustrated customer, they've done more than anyone could reasonably ask.
These incredible people set a standard of excellence that the rest of us should try to achieve. I'm proud to be their customer!
Jeanette, Roy & Randy : Thanks again for being there every single time I've needed you!! It means more than I know how to say....and truly warms my heart.
CodyEDITED: 23 Jan 2007 by BOBTNAILER
From: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#2]
24 Jan 2007
You now know what many of us have known for a long time...that these folks care more than just about $$$.
I met Randy in person for the first time yesterday for training and he's every bit as friendly and knowledgeable. Their kindness is contagious.
From: Tony (ANTE) [#3]
24 Jan 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#1] 24 Jan 2007
I do remember your posts regarding dislike of XGW software.
Now that you had Mr. Roy Brewer personal visit to help you out, does learning curve look promising.
I for one just love it after 15+ years working with it.
Good luck & lt us know how it goes.
From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#4]
24 Jan 2007
To: Tony (ANTE) [#3] 24 Jan 2007
Xenetech makes me no promises. ;-)
However, the curve now looks much more managable.
I think that once I take out all my angst and frustration on Guy Barone in Vegas next month, I'll be fine. Then again, he could probably take me in a brawl, so maybe I'll keep my tone civil.
At this point, the only knock I have against them is the lack of written documentation for the XGW with the Viper software. If I just had something tangible like that, I really think I could work out my issues with the program.
As it stands, I know that I have the EC folks (and this forum) for support. That certainly helps!
From: UncleSteve [#5]
24 Jan 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#4] 24 Jan 2007
Then again, he could probably take me in a brawl,
Sure, but could he take 8-O 50+ of your friends from EE?
From: Jer (DIAMOND) [#6]
24 Jan 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#1] 24 Jan 2007
Hey Cody, Xenetech is a strange strange animal. It is very good at a lot of things. Other things are near impossible in Xenetech. Both are probably result of my efforts to make it work. Please don't give up on it too quick.
I would like to agree with you about Engraving Concepts. I have not said too much about them here because I don't have enough vocabulary to express how much I appreciate them. I have not met a better group of people, in any capacity. They have carried me when I could not move forward and their support is responsible for much our success. I feel lucky to have them on my team.
From: Tom Franklin (FLEA) [#7]
24 Jan 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#1] 24 Jan 2007
From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#8]
24 Jan 2007
To: Tom Franklin (FLEA) [#7] 25 Jan 2007
Mr. Franklin,
Very well stated, sir....and quite the compliment from someone of your background.
I strongly agree with your opinion of the EC folks being the "class of our industry". They most definitely set the bar for the rest of us.
I am probably one of their hardest-to-please, most outspoken (publicly, anyway) customers. In fact, I have brought to this forum's attention every single time that I thought the Brewers fell short of their obligation to their customers.
That last statement was made tongue-in-cheek, because there has never been a time that I've seen them provide anything short of EXTRAVAGANT service.
From: JHayes55 [#9]
25 Jan 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#8] 25 Jan 2007
Cody - As you know I bought my first Xenetech rotary engraver last year at the ARA show. Since I am located in the Midwest I am out of the region the Brewer's service. I too had some trouble getting use to the Xenetech software - but over the past 10 months have continued to learn little by little that it can do most everything if I am smart enough to tell it what to do. My rep has been great and is ready to answer any questions or walk me through any of the out of the ordinary problem I have come up against. His service has been excellent as well as his patience with me. The way I have learned this software is just diving in with projects - I work on them to a point where I might get stuck and then I call Jim - he then walks me through the steps I might not be familiar with. He tells me to call him anytime night or day 7 days a week if I need too - excellent service. Likewise the Brewer's (Engraving Concepts) have also been willing to help me anytime I have asked -even though I am out of there territory. Jeanette sent me a disk with some Xenetech tutorials on it the I have reviewed over and over. That goes to show how good they are to all the Xenetech customers not just theirs
I believe part of the problem you and I share is the fact we both started with lasers and Corel (that's only partly true for me I actually started out on a Roland engraver - completely different software). The learning curve for the Xenetech software is very different than Corel but holds it's own strengths, so I have learned. I plan on taking a trip sometime this year to Xenetech headquarters for some additional training on my machine and the software. Do the Hurricane fallout of last year they did not hold training meeting for new users as they had in the past. I am told that a new user should have 6 or more month working with the software to get the most out of the training. I have heard that there are plans for some training in the summer - I plan to find out more when I am in Las Vegas.
All I can do for you is encourage you hang in there - the machine and the software are very good - of that I have little doubt. The service you get from your dealer is excellent, as you have pointed out. You can and will get to where you want to be.
Best wishes
Looking forward to seeing you in LV
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#10]
25 Jan 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#1] 25 Jan 2007
I want to take this opportunity to publicly and LOUDLY thank Jeanette (notice that she's named FIRST this time), Roy and Randy for helping me.
Very kind of you to post such nice words -- and, especially, to list me first! It makes me VERY happy to be first and, believe me, both daddy & Randy are much happier when Jeanette is happy! :P
On a serious note, we appreciate the opportunity to help. I know how frustrated you've been and I'm hoping with some help from us, some help from Baton Rouge and the encouragement from all your other Xene-buddies at EE, you'll be one of Xenetech's biggest fans in the near future!
I've said it many times before, but it's as sincere as the first time -- we appreciate your business!
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#11]
25 Jan 2007
To: Jer (DIAMOND) [#6] 27 Jan 2007
I feel lucky to have them on my team.
Thank you for the kind words. We've always enjoyed working with you & Glenda and we sincerely appreciate your business!
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#12]
25 Jan 2007
To: Tom Franklin (FLEA) [#7] 25 Jan 2007
Mr. Franklin,
Thank you! That's a high compliment coming from one of the giants in our industry. Looking forward to seeing you in Vegas. You'll be there, right?