From: JHayes55 [#9]
2 Feb 2007
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#8] 2 Feb 2007
Very impressive! What other professions were represented among your classmates? Were you the only Award & Recognition professional in the group?
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#10]
2 Feb 2007
To: JHayes55 [#9] 2 Feb 2007
1 did strictly promo products, a couple did screen printing, a man & wife did screen printing & embroidery (most all of it sub. out) and there were 3 people from Norway that were into design, like stationary, cards etc..........
It was interesting talking to everyone because we were in different lines of work but in a similar/related industry.
From: Zelmon [#11]
4 Feb 2007
Continuing the link, I've been to a couple of Fosters boot camps at his home and would recomend them, plus I really learnt a lot. On the courses I did there was a good cross section of people (no other other engravers) but the plus side to that is no 'talking shop' you get to discuss other industries and trades. It's good sometimes to stand back and have a sideways view at other industries.
Simon Cork
Sheffield UK
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