From: John (ICTJOHN) [#8]
7 Feb 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#7] 7 Feb 2007
Why BUY washers? Pennies, nickles, dimes & quarters are all around you..............and when you are done with them holding down your material, just put 'em back in your pocket.
FREE! I like that 4 letter word.
From: Ed (EMERY) [#9]
7 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#5] 7 Feb 2007
Hi Dave
I thought I attached the it is again.
From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#10]
7 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#1] 7 Feb 2007
If all the plates read the same you should be able to just make one to size with cutout and then duplicate them in lthe aser software......and just butt them together. You don't need to vector through Flexi. A good score line (min heat) and then they just break apart. If you want to cut through. Then put tape on the back side prior to lasssssing.. save a step.
If you are doing individual names.. X 240 I would learn the merge process... it's a time saver... especially if you can get the customer to provide a text list (e-mail) with all the names.......
Hope this helps. I use a Trotec so I'm not familiar with your laser software.
From: Ed (EMERY) [#11]
7 Feb 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#10] 7 Feb 2007
Hi Mark
Thanks for the reply! The mail merge is a great idea, and I think I can pick it up pretty fast since I've used it several times in Word. BUT...I got all the names on seperate sheets of paper (one from each coach). My wife had a "snow day" today, and the angel typed them all in for me!
I really like your idea of taping the plates before vectoring them. I'm a little shaky on the idea of breaking them apart..wouldn't the edges be neater if I cut them all the way through?
I'm using an Epilog 35 watt. I plan to check with Rowmark beforehand to get some suggested settings...unless you have some!
Thanks again
From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#12]
7 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#11] 7 Feb 2007
I have a 25w. My setting for flexi are:
RASTER 60 70 1000
VECTOR 50 4 7000
But flexi is very well "flexible" when it comes to speed/power
From: Ed (EMERY) [#13]
13 Feb 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#12] 13 Feb 2007
Hi Mark
I cut off the 3" waste piece I won't need for this job, and ran a few samples.
Like I said, I have an Epilog 35w mini.
Rastered at (speed/power): 100/60, 100/50, and 100/40 and can't tell a bit of difference. I figure the lower power is better, so that's what I plan to use.
I ran 6 seperate vector cuts (speed/power) all using 500 frequency
50/80 best cut, but it flaired up a bit
65/100 this seemed to do the best with no flames
From: bruce (BBSD) [#14]
14 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#13] 14 Feb 2007
We have done a 700 trophy soccer league for several years.
I use the scoring method, then flip upside down and tape (you can see the lines on the back) cut the tape between the plates, then snap apart.
I usually do 12"x12" or less for a layout.
I also use lines not rectangles.
From: Ed (EMERY) [#15]
14 Feb 2007
To: bruce (BBSD) [#14] 14 Feb 2007
Hi Bruce
I've just gotten started in the business, and I'm slowly building inventory and equipment. We've been using the laser to cut Flexibrass for trophy plates. I do have access to a metal shear at work, and I've cut some plates from some laserable brass that I have.
For this job, I'm going to cut all 240 plates from the flexibrass. I gather that you are saying that I should pre-tape the material, then cut the plates? Also, am I asking for trouble by cutting 96 at a time? I'm attaching my template.
Yes, I use lines to cut. In fact, I zig zag them to save laser it's fun to watch!
From: Mike (SPACE_ENGRAVERS) [#16]
14 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#15] 14 Feb 2007
I was taking a look at your template and had a question for you. It looks like you build all of your lines right to the edge of the page. When I do that on mine the outer lines are outside of the "printable area". I'm using an epilog 25watt profile (older model). How do you expand your printable area to the very edge of the pages like that?
From: Ed (EMERY) [#17]
14 Feb 2007
To: Mike (SPACE_ENGRAVERS) [#16] 15 Feb 2007
Hi Mike
You are asking a guy with very little experience! Which lines do you think will be a problem? I'm just laying the material right against the rulers and using the upper and left edges as they come from the supplier.
One problem I have been having which you might be helping me with is the little "bump" I get on the left edge. Perhaps I should move the entire job a 32nd or 16th to the right and down? I'm open to suggestions here!
I'm using an Epilog 35 watt mini.
From: bruce (BBSD) [#18]
15 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#15] 15 Feb 2007
I'm suggesting you vector deep enough to keep the material together, tape, and then bend at the vector lines and they snap cleanly apart.
I also use a light sticky film to hold the material down. It's a reusable transfer tape (used to pickup the vinyl letters in the sign industry) that I glue to an alumninum sheet.
I use 12x12 or smaller because it easier to deal with when taping.
With your lay out, I would move all RT and Down about .007" or until print preview shows no problem, delete outside cut lines.
From: Mike (MIKEN) [#19]
15 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#18] 15 Feb 2007
I agree with those who say not to cut right up to the edge. The edges usually aren't perfect and you may not be able to cut to the edge. When I'm concerned about holding something like this down I usually just do half a sheet with weights on the other half to keep it in place and flat.
I haven't forgotten your package. Will try to send it out today.
From: Ed (EMERY) [#20]
15 Feb 2007
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#19] 15 Feb 2007
Ok Mike!
Now it's back to the tests to get that vector cut so that it doesn't cut all the way through.
I bumped the entire job right and down .007. There is a vinyl sign making business down the street, I think I'll stop by and ask the guy about that tape to put under the material.
From: Ed (EMERY) [#21]
15 Feb 2007
To: bruce (BBSD) [#18] 15 Feb 2007
Hi Bruce
Thanks for taking the interest in my little project here. The reusable transfer tape sounds like a good idea to hold this job down.
I'll play with vector settings tonight.
Also, I bumped the job (with all the names and teams) down and right. Now shouldn't I cut around the top and left now to get a nice edge?
From: bruce (BBSD) [#22]
15 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#21] 15 Feb 2007
If you think your material has less than adequate clean cut edges, I would add the border cut lines and move them more than 1/8" so you have something to hold when snapping apart.
From: gt350ed [#23]
15 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#21] 15 Feb 2007
I looked back over the posts, including mine to you of a couple of days ago and, although there are several references to "tape", I don't see anything mentioned regarding 3M adhesive.
Are you aware, Ed, that you can order Flexibrass from your supplier with 3M adhesive already applied? That's the only way we order it. We just raster engrave the trophy plates, vector cut them to size and peel-and stick. No tape involved.
If you cannot get your Flexibrass from your supplier with the 3M adhesive already applied, get a new supplier.
From: Ed (EMERY) [#24]
15 Feb 2007
To: gt350ed [#23] 16 Feb 2007
Hi Ed
I am learning so much here. I knew about the pre-applied 3M adhesive. But, I thought I would be "creative" and use gold with blue substrate (no adhesive). Live and learn, right? So, I'll use this stuff up and see how big of a problem we have.
My wife is playing with the fonts today, and I'm cutting these things this afternoon. I'll let you know how it goes.
From: gt350ed [#25]
16 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#24] 16 Feb 2007
Ed, please take this comment in the spirit I'm intending, which is to be helpful.....
I'm not sure what you have in mind ultimately for your business, or even whether you intend for it to BE a business. Having said this, as you will soon find out, trophies are the area of the broader "awards" industry with the least profit margins. There are several (many) folks here on the forum that have dropped or minimized their trophy offerings for that very reason. We don't happen to be in that group because we believe that our trophy efforts and systems make it a profitable component of our overall business model.
Having said THAT, time becomes exceedingly important in the trophy construction/finishing area. Although labor time is important in all aspects of what we do, it is even more important when it comes to trophies due to slim margins.
Applying tape to one or all of the trophy plates is time consuming. For the nominal extra charge to have your plastics delivered with 3M adhesive pre-applied, it's just not worth doing it any other way. A middle ground would include that you can buy rolls of the 3M adhesive in different widths to apply yourself. But even this alternative is not recommended for the reasons stated.
This is just my opinion and advice. And for what you are paying for it, I'll give you a complete refund if you're not satisfied. :O)
Have fun, Ed. And welcome to the Forum!
From: Ed (EMERY) [#26]
16 Feb 2007
To: gt350ed [#25] 19 Feb 2007
Hi Ed
No problem with the advice. I'm always willing to learn. That's kind of where we are in life (wife and I). We are trying to re-invent ourselves in the laser engraving business. And we are quite willing to let it grow slowly since we don't need the income for survival purposes.
I am not sure what niche we will fall into quite yet. We are doing and have done several plaques for individuals and businesses. I'm in the process of doing a large photo engraved plaque for a local business. That might lead to us doing an extensive interior signage job with them...they are showing some interest, and I'm making up a sample this weekend.
The trophies thus far (until the 240 item order) were fun and easy money. I've found building 240 trophies to be some kind of effort. As for the plates, I now know I should have had Johnson Plastics apply the adhesive and it would have saved me quite a bit of work. However, I now own 5 sheets of flexibrass brushed gold with blue I think I'll have to use it up.
Are trophies going to make us money? I'm comfortable with it so far. Our little area could supply us with 6 or 7 of these larger orders, and if they repeat yearly...well, it could be a nice steady piece of change.
Our business is but 4 months old and still evolving. I'm enjoying watching the growth and intrigued to see where we are going to be a year from now.
Thanks for the welcome! I'm enjoying the Forum already.
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