9 Feb 2007
To: basehorawards [#22] 9 Feb 2007
Best not to get caught using "alternative" fuels in your vehicle...The government frowns on losing good tax dollars...........They tint Bio Diesel with a color for this purpose.......(supposedly).
If you see a cop behind you in your may not be just because you have been using oil waste from a doughnut shop. :)
From: basehorawards [#24]
9 Feb 2007
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#23] 9 Feb 2007
Best not to get caught using "alternative" fuels in your vehicle...The government frowns on losing good tax dollars
Boy that is an accurate statement. Basic diesel comes in three colors. On road, off road and farm use. Different uses, different colors, different taxes but the same fuel. I have wondered what would happen when someone with vegetable oil got stopped for a spot check. The color has to be dead on no hint of the wrong color - even a shade - or your vehicle is impounded and you get a huge fine. I will have to ask one of law enforcement friends.
I had never heard of bio-diesel being tinted. The vegetable oils conversions use diesel to start and warm up the engine and the vegetable oil. Then you switch over to straight oil. Shortly before you stop you are supposed to switch back to diesel so that the oil does not set up in your injection system. But if you get the oil for free it seems like it might be worth it. After a while I would think there would be so many people wanting the oil the restaurants would start selling it.
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#25]
9 Feb 2007
To: basehorawards [#24] 9 Feb 2007
So what you are saying is that our local KFC could make more money selling fuel than selling chicken. Could they then be know as the Kentucky Fuel Corp?(devil)
From: basehorawards [#26]
9 Feb 2007
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#25] 9 Feb 2007
They would stand a better chance of getting my money that way. The only one around here is staffed with people (including management) that seemed to be bothered when customers come in and ask questions rather than just ordering a combo.
From: LG (WAIIB) [#27]
9 Feb 2007
To: basehorawards [#5] 9 Feb 2007
They are trying to do just that in North Dakota (grow hemp for profit). They passed a law and are now fighting with the Feds. They say it is already being done just north of them across the border in Canada.
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