From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#15]
6 Mar 2007
To: gt350ed [#14] 6 Mar 2007
No Cermark needed. Just one spare watch, which you send to David L. to engrave after the laser lens assembly smashes the first one to pieces. :-&
From: gt350ed [#16]
6 Mar 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#15] 6 Mar 2007
after the laser lens assembly smashes the first one to pieces.
This won't be a problem. David just did not open the bezel cover far enough. I'm thinking 180 everything lays flat. :O)
From: Doc (GREAT_ATLANTIC) [#17]
6 Mar 2007
To: gt350ed [#16] 6 Mar 2007
This won't be a problem. David just did not open the bezel cover far enough. I'm thinking 180 everything lays flat.
Would this require the hammer jig?
From: gt350ed [#18]
6 Mar 2007
To: Doc (GREAT_ATLANTIC) [#17] 6 Mar 2007
T-Shirt press.
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#19]
6 Mar 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#1] 6 Mar 2007
I've never thought about engraving at a slight angle to gain better access to limited engraving areas. I learned something new today.
A have a big question I'd love to have answered. How does one remove a pocket watch cover? It can't be that complicated.
I've Googled the internet for information pertaining to the removal pocket watch lids and covers and have come up empty.
You could still charge the $25 because of the extra dis-assembly and re-assembly required, but it would be less risky.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#20]
6 Mar 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#19] 6 Mar 2007
I've never tried to remove the cover, mainly because there's a small spring to deal with.
I can imagine the spring shooting across the room, never to be seen again. >.<
Sometimes the pin in the hinge can be tapped through the opening, but they're often pounded flat or crimped somehow, to make the task more difficult than it would appear.
Probably quite easy for someone who works with watches and has the proper tools.
Timepieces are another lucrative area, where many engravers fear to tread.
BTW - The $25 was charged to a trophy shop client, who will probably resell the engraving for $50.
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