From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#4]
11 Mar 2007
To: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#3] 11 Mar 2007
You might want to check with your favorite graphic editor. If I remember correctly, some of the freeware versions will convert whole directories..... maybe not.
Try the attached macro and let me know if it does what you are seeking.
Select all the BMPs (any imported image) that you want converted, run the macro, key in the new PIXEL height or PIXEL width (one of these values should be zero or it will assume you want the width and retain the original aspect ratio), and then click on Resample.
If you have manually resized the image(s), you may not get what you expected.
WARNING: Untested and roughly done. Use at your own risk.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#5]
11 Mar 2007
To: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#1] 11 Mar 2007
I use Thumbs Plus to organize all of my images and drawings, and it also has the ability to take a whole folder of images and scale them to fit within a given width or height or both.
From: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#6]
11 Mar 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#5] 12 Mar 2007
Thanks for the link, I'll check them out although I prefer to use Corel.
From: UncleSteve [#7]
11 Mar 2007
To: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#6] 11 Mar 2007
I prefer to use Corel
Use each program to its best advantage.... Thumbs Plus to resize and then bring (back?) into Corel for further work.... (angel)
From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#8]
12 Mar 2007
To: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#1] 12 Mar 2007
I looked at the macro a little closer and it probably won't give you what you are after IF the images are different resolutions. Yes, the macro will resize them to the specified pixel width, but images with different resolutions will be different sizes in absolute units.
I don't see a simple (ie easy to implement) solution, but it may be possible to find the lowest DPI (resolution) and then scale (resize) all the other images before applying the Resample function.
All the images could be converted to true BMPs, but I'm not so sure that you want to do that. There are many more parameters that you'd have to deal with that might cause some very interesting and/or peculiar results.
I don't understand why they wouldn't include a DPI setting for the resample function.
From: logojohn [#9]
12 Mar 2007
freeware versions will convert whole directories
My favorite freeware editor/viewer for pc is from (no spyware)
It does indeed resize a whole folder or select only certain ones you want to resize. It will resize to either the vertical or horizontal dimension or both if you want to distort the aspect ratio with different quality levels. Or it will also do it by % increase or even "fit to desktop size". It will also apply basic editing to all the photos such as cropping, lightness, contrast etc. Also does batch renaming at the same time or separately.
Just for viewing I also like it since you can select things like fit all images to window, view actual size or others. Actual size works great for pasting your paper proofs into from the screen shot. You can easily crop and resize it so you don't email something that is 3 screens wide.
It is even great for browsing newer coreldraw files that have a thumbnail embedded. You can view a whole screen full of thumbs and pick the thumbnail size. It works similar to windows explorer but their size is too small to recognize anything and doesn't even fill the thumb window size.
I use it as my default jpg bmp viewer since it pops open in 2 nanoseconds instead of the 15-20 seconds photopaint takes.
From: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#10]
14 Mar 2007
To: logojohn [#9] 14 Mar 2007
Thanks for the link. Works great and just love the price!
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