From: lindalee [#25]
31 Mar 2007
I have one more note to add to the "fix", besides being out of focus, when I went to a new batch of wood it cut like butter, the edges are a
light brown & all pieces cut beautifully. So I think the wood I was using
was also part of the problem.
I've been babysitting a trophy shop on my days off for the past few weeks & have been trying to get some graduation plaques done & on display ASAP. The shop also has a lot of model trains so I did some train plaques. It's amazing how much you can get done when everything works!!
From: Buzz [#26]
2 Apr 2007
To: lindalee [#25] 2 Apr 2007
Hi Linda,
Glad to hear everything is working great! Nothing more frustrating than a slow burn :P
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