From: Frazee1 [#1]
3 Apr 2007
I have always used mainly PDU for my supplies. With the status of quality and price, I am checking other suppliers. I have used other columns from different places and have been very satisfied. What do you all think? Who's column and/or why? Best prices? Quality? Customer service? Please tell!
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#2]
3 Apr 2007
To: Frazee1 [#1] 3 Apr 2007
I use JDS columns for the price. If the customer wants to pay for a better trophy, I will use some of PDU's columns but very rarely.
I mostly use PDU figures and with them moving the production "off-shore" and promising to lower the price, I will continue.
From: Doc (GREAT_ATLANTIC) [#3]
3 Apr 2007
To: Frazee1 [#1] 3 Apr 2007
PDU almost exclusively. Highest quality, cuts cleaner without chipping. More expensive....but worth it to me.
From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#4]
3 Apr 2007
To: Frazee1 [#1] 3 Apr 2007
JDS for columns and other components...almost exclusively.
It's funny that you bring this up now, as we're starting to look at the PDU parts.
From: basehorawards [#5]
5 Apr 2007
To: Frazee1 [#1] 15 Apr 2007
Continental Trophy, PDU and Discount Trophy. (Helps that they all have local warehouses so I can pick them up rather than pay shipping.)