From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#8]
9 Apr 2007
To: Mikey (MIKE2449) [#1] 9 Apr 2007
I think I get what you are after. There are two ways to make a vector fill with Corel. The one described is the one that works best. X3 may screw this up so use version 9. (X3's PLT export filter is broken.)
In Corel 9:
Create a rectangle . Go to the 'Interactive Contour Tool. Select the rectangle and then the icon that says 'Inside". Set the spacing to what you need, about .004". Set the number of lines to give you the width you need for the box. (Inches / .004) Press enter to get the set of lines. Export the box as a PLT setting the line thickness as .001, maybe not necessary, but do it.
You can then import the finished border.
Do not use the hatch fill, that will give you lines in one direction that are broken and will be the same as rastering.
From: Mikey (MIKE2449) [#9]
9 Apr 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#7] 9 Apr 2007
Thanks, this should save me a boat load of time. I appreciate it.
From: Mikey (MIKE2449) [#10]
9 Apr 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#8] 9 Apr 2007
Thanks for your input. I have Corelx3, but I think I can work it out. I'll let everyone know how I do in a bit.
From: Mike (MIKEN) [#11]
9 Apr 2007
To: Mikey (MIKE2449) [#10] 10 Apr 2007
If you choose Dave's method you will get a hairline. That will be virtually invisible even if colorfilled.
Harvey's method will allow you to vector the border and will give the border width so that when you paint fill it it'll look like a border.
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#12]
11 Apr 2007
Awww Man!
By the time it gets to me the question is usually answered. Awww shucks.
Harvey is right. Use the contour docker.....
....I submit that all posts to the forum must be delayed until 6:00 AM Hawaii Standard Time....... ( insert, man I wish I could help laugh here)
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