From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#33]
13 Apr 2007
To: laserman (MIKEMAC) [#32] 13 Apr 2007
You won't believe me, but I started yelling at Bill Parcells (he may not have been able to hear me since I was yelling at him on TV) during Romo's 2nd professional start.
The kid just brought us from behind -- threw a great touchdown pass -- he's jumping up & down (so am I, by the way) -- when he had to calm down enough, immediately, to hold the ball for the kicker.
PLEASE! What idiot was making that decision?! (See? You got me started). Anyway, LONG before THE drop, I was not happy with Tony having to do that extra duty.
Luckily, Coach Phillips has already announced that we will have someone else for that job this year. Smart move, huh?
From: Tony (ANTE) [#34]
13 Apr 2007
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#33] 13 Apr 2007
Did you people fed our boy Mike Vandrejaght some "MAD COW" BBQ?
Can't belive what happened to him, best kicker in NFL.
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#35]
13 Apr 2007
To: Tony (ANTE) [#34] 13 Apr 2007
How weird was that???
I was all excited when we signed him before last season. Here I am thinking -- well, at least we don't have to worry about field goals this year!
Where did he end up?
From: wolvey (JIMH) [#36]
13 Apr 2007
To: Tony (ANTE) [#29] 13 Apr 2007
Hey Tony-
Thanks. Wings did look good last night. You are right. Dom wasn't tested too much but did come thru on a couple of tough ones. He has been strong all year. But the Wings have allowed the fewest shots on goal this year so he has had some help. It still amazes me that Dom at 41 and Chelios at 45!!!! can still play at a high level. I am with you on the original 6. Since the Avs have really faded lately, we no longer have a real rivalry with anyone. Would like to see it renewed with Toronto and Montreal. Home and homes are great. Or at least they used to be. Hopefully the league will wake up soon and get someone in charge who can promote this sport the way it should be. Oh well, wishful thinking. GO WINGS!!!!
From: Tony (ANTE) [#37]
13 Apr 2007
To: wolvey (JIMH) [#36] 13 Apr 2007
You're welcome Jim.
Yes, it is amazing that Dom and Chris can be so effective at their age.
Don't forget Gordie played with his boys at the retirement age (almost).
I guess, today's athletes are much better conditioned year round and can expand their careers to 40 and beyond.
What do you think of Sidney Crosbie. The kid never stops (energizer bunny). Watch out for Pens in couple of years.
Have you heard of John Tavares, 16 year old kid with Oshawa Generals. This kid is breaking some of Wayne G. records in OHL.
League will never wake up or use common sense as long as Betman is looking to market the game in area where people don't care for it. It is fine when team is doing OK, they will draw 10 to 12 K, but when things go south there will be no interest. Coyotes are there now.
From: wolvey (JIMH) [#38]
13 Apr 2007
To: Tony (ANTE) [#37] 14 Apr 2007
Hey Tony-
You are right that today's athletes are better conditioned than years ago. An awful lot of money to walk away from. But I also think it speaks to the culture of hockey players. They truly love their sport. I had an opportunity to speak with Gordie and his wife a couple years ago and what class people they were. Met them at a book signing for one of Gordie's books and it was like speaking to old friends. Unbelievable!!Really seemed interested in everyone they spoke with. Very down to earth people. Of course Gordie and Al Kaline were my childhood heroes.
As far as Crosby goes, I have only seen him play once on tv. Again it goes to the fact that the Wings are in the west and we just don't see the Eastern teams very often. Seems like he is destined for great things though. And the Penguins are definetly back on the rise. Acquired some good players lately. Also nice to see that they are staying in Pittsburg. From what I read here, it was largely due to the efforts of the governor of Pa. and other local politicians. Bettman is a joke. We need a NHL guy to run this thing. Not a former NBA guy who has no understanding of the culture and draw.They really need to promote the sport with the younger skilled players like you mentioned Crosby. There are several in the league. It probably will never be a major sport here in the US unfortunately. It did used to be one of the major four sports but not any longer. The lockout really sealed their fate I am afraid. Hopefully the owners will wake up and put someone with an NHL background in place. I know the Great One is an owner but maybe he would be a good commissioner? Don't know anything about Tavares. But back when the lockout was on( a very dark time) I started watching a lot more college hockey and found it extremely exciting. Certainly they are not as skilled as the NHL but these kids go all out 100% of the time. At least two or three times a game, some player forgets to keep his head up and you can guess what happens. It helped me get my hockey "fix". I have a cousin who lives in the Stoney Creek area in Ontario. He is retired from Canada Bell and has been a life long Canadiens fan. But now is much more of a Blue Jays fan.
There is another sport that is screwed-up. Just when the Tigers and Jays were developing a nice rivalry, now we hardly play each other again. One home series for each team. Crazy. GO WINGS!!!!
From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#39]
14 Apr 2007
To: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#27] 15 Apr 2007
Now, let's talk about a real contender. How 'bout those Wild! Man have they got some zip to them.
Two more games, and they'll be "zipping" back to Minnesota to watch the second round!
I would really love for them to be a dominant team, but they just don't have it this year.
From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#40]
15 Apr 2007
No Cody, 1 more game and they will be cleaning out their lockers. I watched the Wild last night. I thought they brought their A game, but The Ducks just stifled them. The Ducks are a very big, strong, disciplined team, but I think I prefer watching the lads fly.
I did have to think about what I wrote last week about the Wings. All I should have said was WOW. They are the only team I have ever watched that does not just throw the puck around the boards. Their passing is a thing of beauty. I have watched their last two games and all I can say is WOW. I hope they keep their heads in it to the end. Now those boys can fly.
From: Joe (SMITTY61) [#41]
15 Apr 2007
My Redskins are gonna rule the NFC East this year!! Its been a tough decade for us and I think our time is due! So for all you Cowboy fans out there....... :'-(EDITED: 15 Apr 2007 by SMITTY61
From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#42]
15 Apr 2007
To: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#40] 16 Apr 2007
The Ducks are probably the only thing standing between the Wings and the western conference title. I wouldn't look for that series to go more than 5 games, though.
I had to laugh at the Pittsburg coach in his press conference yesterday. He made it a point to say (over and over) that you can't win at this level by dumping the puck into the zone EVERY TIME you go on offense. I'm glad they made it this far this year (especially in light of recent performances), but they'll be going home after the first round.
Dallas brought their A-game again last night, but the Canucks wore them down physically. Dallas doesn't belong in the playoffs this year, in my opinion. They're just not hungry enough to win it all.
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#43]
15 Apr 2007
To: Joe (SMITTY61) [#41] 15 Apr 2007
My Redskins are gonna rule the NFC East this year!!
Who's quarterbacking the Skins this year?
PS I'm one of "those" Cowboy fans. After the season starts, I won't be able to speak to you so I thought I'd get my NFC competition update now!
From: Joe (SMITTY61) [#44]
15 Apr 2007
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#43] 15 Apr 2007
Jason Campbell is our starting QB this year. He is in his 3rd year this year after starting the last half of the season last year. He is a big strong QB from Auburn with a strong arm. I hope he pans out well for us. You guys have a good QB in Tony Romo. Should be an interesting year for you guys as well, with a new coach. Good luck, and I'll still speak to you during the season...It just may not be about football!! :>EDITED: 15 Apr 2007 by SMITTY61
From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#45]
16 Apr 2007
Cody, those Ducks are some pretty big fellows. They don't look all that impressive, except when the little guys skate up to them, then have to pay $4 for a cab ride to get around them. And Pronger! He was skating last night, and his skates looked like a pair of high top sneakers without any laces in them. No wonder he changes the pace of the game.
If the Wings play like they played yesterday, not even the Russian Army Team of old could beat them. Again - WOW
Sorry football fans. We are discussing the little known sport of hockey. Gary Bettman is trying to keep it that way. He must be conspiring with the Union rep to keep the game as obscure as possible. Luckily, we get our TV out of the Twin Cities, so at least we get to see a game everyday during the playoffs. Praise during the hockey playoffs, cursed when our beloved Packers are on, and we get blacked out for our beloved Packers so we can see the soon to be L.A. team play.
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#46]
16 Apr 2007
To: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#45] 16 Apr 2007
Isn't that what occasionally breaks out at a fight?
From: UncleSteve [#47]
16 Apr 2007
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#46] 16 Apr 2007
YUP! We go to the fights and a hockey game breaks out! :O)
BTW, for all you FANatics...
"WE" didn't win!
THEY won, you watched!
Now sit down and get over it! ;-)EDITED: 16 Apr 2007 by UNCLESTEVE
From: Tony (ANTE) [#48]
16 Apr 2007
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#46] 16 Apr 2007
Jeanette - Hockey is a Canadian version of tang.
Grab a parter and go at it.
16 Apr 2007
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#46] 16 Apr 2007
Hey Jeannette,
Since this WAS a football thread..................................
Did ya know that Romo was born and bred in Wisconsin around 30 miles from us in Burlington?
Your sole pro bowler from last year. Although I think he is the real deal...with two aging wide receivers (one terribly disruptive)....I'm guessing your gonna be watching others play in the playoffs. Preferably those in green and gold. Alot of it depends on TO's attitude with the new coaching staff.
Who do we have other than Farve..... Mark down Greg Jennings WR. I'm guessing that he will be quite a player in the near future. His freshman year was rather good. Hopefully he can avoid a sophomore slump. We also have a guy called Donald Driver.....another pro bowler.... and a host of young guys on the "O" line that really started to solidify down the stretch, showing promise for this next season. Don't forget the solid young linbackers that we have, plus Aaron Kampman (another pro bowler from this last season).
Although I don't like the guy...there's quite a bit of talk that Randy Moss may make it to Green Bay this next season. Say what you will...a combo of Brett, Driver, and Moss would be tough to stop with good protection up front.
To me our biggest question mark is running back. I'm guessing that they will address that in the draft. With the blocking scheme we are using now....there is less need for a big name back (although it never hurts)....Just look at how Denver has run the last few years (we're using their scheme).....Multiple backs that produce......
I'm really looking forward to next season......It should be telling about the coach and if he has the guts to get the job done in the long run.
I'm starving for football news.......Not much of a fan of any other professional I'm looking forward to draft day.
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#50]
16 Apr 2007
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#49] 16 Apr 2007
Your sole pro bowler from last year.
Don't forget my Pro Bowl punter (McBriar) -- he was AMAZING last year ... and Pro Bowlers DeMarcus Ware and Roy Williams!
To answer your question, yes, I knew Tony was from your "neck of the woods".
If you're that excited about Moss joining the team, I'd be happy to send TO to y'all. Imagine that ... TO & Moss together. Wow.
Don't let Mr. Jones hear me say this but I'm hoping we pick up a wide receiver in the draft. A little hotshot guy showing up TO might be just what we need around here.
I'm coming around on Wade Phillips (coach). He wasn't my first choice but he may have what it takes to get these guys in shape. He also seems to have a really good handle on his staff -- people actually like him.
If Phillips can shore up our defense (that fell apart in the last month of the '06 season), we'll be in good shape. Looking forward to seeing your Green & Gold here at Texas Stadium (with or without Moss)!EDITED: 16 Apr 2007 by JEANETTEBREWER2
From: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#51]
16 Apr 2007
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#49] 16 Apr 2007
I drove all the way to Arlington (over 100 miles) to apologize to Jeanette in person for hijacking her thread.
It just happened to be my lucky day......they were hosting a Xenetech clinic at their office, so I stayed a while.
Who knew? ;-)
16 Apr 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#51] 17 Apr 2007
Hahahaha Sweet.....Lucky for sure.... :) Wish I was close enough to stop in at their place.........They're on the map for when I get to that area one of these days.....
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