From: Ozzy Fox (CLIVEGARAWAY) [#4]
16 Apr 2007
Thanks Mike,
I've tried the first option it still comes back to 270 , got me stuffed.
Guess I'll have to try the F8 option, unfortunately it's on the PC at work, (I'm at home, 9pm Aussie time), so will give that a go in the morning.
I think it's really cross with me I even tried removing that command icon from the toolbar and reinserting it and yup 270 back again.
From: Mike (MIKEN) [#5]
16 Apr 2007
To: Ozzy Fox (CLIVEGARAWAY) [#4] 17 Apr 2007
Also try: window, dockers, transformation, rotate
have the object selected when you do this. The angle of rotation will probably say 270. Set it to "0". Go back to tools and save settings as default.
From: Ozzy Fox (CLIVEGARAWAY) [#6]
17 Apr 2007
Thanks Mike,
I used the F8 this morning and it's back to normal, I just had to set up a few custom icons, I'll have a play with the settings on your last post to see if I can work out what happened.
appreciate your help.
regards Clive.
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