From: Vicky (ANDERI) [#7]
20 Apr 2007
To: Cody (BOBTNAILER) [#4] 20 Apr 2007
Don't know how he kept a straight face. I'd be giggling all the way out to the guy's car. :P
Now if only we could get customers to throw themselves at us the way the criminals are throwing themselves at Charlie! :B
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#8]
21 Apr 2007
To: Barbara (RGILE) [#6] 22 Apr 2007
Another drug pusher off the streets.
Don't you mean another misdemeanor charge in the books? That type of offense isn't likely to land him in jail very long, if at all. That is a sad fact.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#9]
21 Apr 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#8] 21 Apr 2007
Having of a small amount might be a light sentence. Selling, and having 25 pounds is going to be a lot more severe.
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